
it's time to daydreamin'...

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Continuing about the future talk...

Meanwhile I was thinking about what to wear today, Nina, my closest friend, thought about a home!
She and her boyfriend are about to buy their own home!!!

And then, I tried to pick mine.
"I prefer to an apartment! Cos, I'm the apartment kind, I think!"
"Iya tuh, keren! Mulai 700 jutaan sih, katanya..."
"Iya, kalo dijadiin rumah, udah dapet yang lumayan tuh!"
"Yah, buat single kayak aku mah mending apartment lah... Nggak ada yang murahan aja ya?", gw mulai membuka-buka brosur lainnya.
"Aaah, Teh Qoni niiih, suatu saat kan kalo udah merit juga butuh rumah! Mending beli rumah aja sekalian"

Well, getting married ya? Does it has to go that way?
Apakah urutannya harus selalu lulus... kerja... cari pacar... pilih-pilih rumah... menikah...
Nggak bisa ya kalo urutannya random aja?

Owh God! Howcome I am so pesimistic and cynical about these stuffs?

Aaaah, forget it! Back to the topic...
So, now is about how to collect more money to buy 'my dream apartment'?
When will I own mine? 10 years later? Or 15?
When will I be secure for my finance?

Have you thought about it too?


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