"Look at the bright side..."
Salah seorang penyiar gw pernah mengartikannya dengan asal: "lihat dari sisi mempelai wanita"
Well, yang jelas, malem ini gw benar-benar ngerasain banget kalimat itu ngena di gw.
Dan jadi keinget juga sama judul lagunya Raul Midon yang keren banget, "State of Mind"
Bener banget kalo bahagia itu sebenernya cuma "state of mind".
Kalo lu berpikir lu bahagia, ya lu akan bahagia, no matter what!
Uuuuwh, dalem beneeer... ;p
Mungkin beginilah penyakit orang yang lagi fallin' in love...
Mendadak jadi wise (sok bijak, tepatnya, kaley! ;p)
Mendadak jadi ngerti segala macem tentang hidup...
Mendadak punya kepribadian ganda...
Satu jadi orang tolol yang selalu tertipu tipe laki-laki yang sama..
Satu lagi, yang maunya sih bisa mengambil pelajaran dari ketololan itu, tersirat dari kata-katanya... Tapi, tetep aja sih...
Sore tadi, seperti kejadian sebelumnya, just by the way he look that he always makes me feel, gw menerima ajakannya untuk pulang bareng...
And under the pouring rain, in the middle of laughters of silly jokes, he kissed me fast!
It's like a surprise behind the bad weather that i usually complain to God! The best bad weather ever, for me!
And, he asked me if he's quite mysterious typical guy?
Sooo, how do you think, Dear?
You're not jut mysterious, but also freak and jerk!
With charms, funny, likeable, sweet and humble includings ;p
I was not happy last night, like I supossed to be ...
It's my state of mind!
Cos, after two days I've tried to understand, wondering why he's confusing me with his act and react... 'til finally I hit the limit in the conclusion that he's exactly the jerk like he admited...
Why did he kiss me?
Why doesn't he just let me think in that way?
Mysterious guy...?
or he's just wanna play around...?
Should I look at the bright side?
Cos I am the bride who's still waiting ...
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